- Our Mission is to engage, interest, connect and inspire People with a Disability (vision impaired / blind) to Prepare, Cook and Enjoy Food.
- Furthermore conveying vital Living Skills (cooking at home) and as well improving the Quality of Life to the vision impaired / blind and the wider Community
- Creating a Platform / Hub for Sharing and Collaboration about all Cooking, Food, vision impaired and blind related issues
- In addition making “Cooking” accessible for Everybody
Our Motto is:
“Cooking is for EVERYBODY”
Our Aim
- Producing “cooking” video clips (directed and emphasized for vision impaired / blind people and wider community
- Share Recipes via Video Recipes or Picture Recipes Blogs, In The Kitchen with Tips & Tricks | Kitchen Safety and Hygiene | Tools, Equipment & Gadgets, Out & About with Eating Out | Travel & Food and Purchasing – Selecting Produce
- Seeking Partnership and Collaboration with Disability Support Organizations and other relevant agencies and organizations within the Disability sector; Including the Culinary Arts Industry, Food Producer (suppliers), Education and Training sector as well Kitchen tools, equipment & Gadgets manufactures (suppliers)
Chef & Guide Dog User Martin